UNESCO ( The United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation )
The Constitution of the UNESCO was signed by fifty - four States on November 16, 1945. The Preamble of the Constitution states that " since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed and that everlasting peace must be founded upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind.
" The purpose of the Organisation is to promote collaboration. among the nations through education , science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice , for the rule of law and for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The membership of the UNESCO is open to all the members of the United Nations . Its Organs are , General Conference, Executive Board and Secretariat. The General Conference which consists of the representative of the member States determines the policy and chalks out the programme of the organisation . The Executive Board consists of eighteen members elected by the General Conference and its function is to carry out the programme adopted by the Conference . The Secretariat consists of the Director - General and the Staff .
The Organisation is assisted in its work by various National Commissions . The UNESCO has been brought into relation with the United Nations under an agreement signed in 1947 .
The activities of the UNESCO fall under the following eight broad headings :
Education : It aims to eliminate illiteracy by encouraging fundamental education , raising educational standards , promotion through education , greater respect for human rights and making available information on educational techniques .
Natural Science : Creating greater collaboration between scientists and encouraging the popularization of science .
Social Science : - Encouraging the study of the psychological and social problems involved in the development of mutual understanding such racial prejudice and religious differences
Cultural Activities : - Developing cultural exchanges between member States and giving people access to work of art , literature and philosophy .
Exchange of Persons : - Providing information as to the opportunities for work and study abroad and providing traveling fellowships .
Mass Communication : - Keeping the public informed about the work of UNESCO and significant events in the field of education, science, and culture and compounding to help the people to obtain easier access to knowledge. Assessing and making provisions for the
Rehabilitation : educational needs of schools, libraries and scientific institutions in war devasted areas and under-developed countries.
Technical Assistance : - Providing expert advice in the fields of fundamental education, teachers training, technical and general education, scientific research and scientific advisory services. Member States are advised to such matters as their literacy campaigns, school building programs, surveying of mineral resources , teachers training and development of electrical engineering.
