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(Multiple Choice Questions)

(1) Who of the following is Natural Law Philosopher ?

(a) Savigny

(b) Kelsen

(c) Socrates

(d) Austin

(2) What constitutes valid possession ?

(a) Corpus only

(b) Animus only

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

(3) Which of the following is title of ownership ?

(a) Sale deed

(b) Gift deed

(c) Lease deed

(d) 7/12 extract

(4) According to Savigny constitution is ______ of the present legal system in India.

(a) Volksgeist

(b) Liability

(c) Personality

(d) Pyramid

(5) Duguit in his sociological approach emphasizes Social ______.

(a) Justice

(b) Science

(c) Philosophy

(d) Solidarity

(6) Natural Law philosophy encompasses elements of ______.

(a) Rationality

(b) Reasoning

(c) Morality

(d) All of the above

(7) International Law lacks the elements of :

(a) Command

(b) Sanction

(c) Sovereignty

(d) All the above

(8) Liability is the bond that exists between Wrong and ______.

(a) Rights

(b) Law

(c) Wrongdoer

(d) Courts

(9) Lower animals are not person in the eyes of Law because they do not have ______.

(a) Rights

(b) Duties

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Interests

(10) Solomon v Solomon is related to :

(a) Definition of rights

(b) Absolute liability

(c) Corporate personality

(d) Ownership

(11) Which of the following is not a subject matter of ownership ?

(a) Agricultural land

(b) Non-agricultural land

(c) Celestial bodies

(d) Gems

(12) ______ is externalization of ownership.

(a) Liability

(b) Rights

(c) Duties

(d) Possession

(13) Person of inherence in Legal Rights means :

(a) Owner of right

(b) Owner of duty

(c) Owner of liability

(d) None of the above

(14) The protection of Human Rights finds approval and recognition in the ideas of :

(a) Positive Law

(b) Natural Law

(c) Realism

(d) Socialism

(15) Pure theory of Law is propounded by :

(a) Austin

(b) Fuller

(c) Hart

(d) Kelsen

(16) According to whom, the science of Jurisprudence is concerned with 'Positive law' ?

(a) Hobbs

(b) Blackstone

(c) Austin

(d) Bentham

(17) Who opened a new era in legal thought by propounding the theory of social contract ?

(a) Blackstone

(b) Austin

(c) Kant

(d) Grotius

(18) 'A plea for the constitution' was written by :

(a) Puchta

(b) Burke

(c) Montesquieu

(d) Austin

(19) Who was the law member in the Council of Governor General of India ?

(a) Blackstone

(b) Maine

(c) Savigny

(d) Austin

(20) Social solidarity is necessary for :

(a) Social life

(b) Natural life

(c) Political life

(d) Economical life

(21) Realist School is a branch of :

(a) Sociological approach

(b) Historical approach

(c) Analytical approach

(d) None of the above

(22) One of the following is not regarded as binding sources :

(a) Professional opinion

(b) Legislation

(c) Customs

(d) Precedent

(23) The duty not to cause hurt to any person is :

(a) Primary duty

(b) Positive duty

(c) Negative duty

(d) Secondary duty

(24) Which among the following is not the element of a legal right ?

(a) The subject

(b) The art

(c) The history

(d) The object

(25) Which one among the following is not juristic person ?

(a) Mosque

(b) State

(c) Idol

(d) Company

(26) Corpus means :

(a) Physical control of the object

(b) A part of the law

(c) An offence

(d) A contract

(27) What is called, 'Nine points of the law' ?

(a) Rights

(b) Duties

(c) Possession

(d) Ownership

(28) The common meaning of legislation is :

(a) Declaring law

(b) Making of law

(c) Hearing of law

(d) Interpretation of law

(29) Natural School of Jurisprudence endorses the importance of :

(a) Morality

(b) Rationality

(c) Religion

(d) All of the above

(30) Which of the following is a kind of property ?

(a) Substantive

(b) Immediate

(c) Corporeal

(d) Concurrent.

(31) _____________ described Jurisprudence as "Lawyer's extroversions".

(a) Radcliffe

(b) Lon Fuller

(c) Muller

(d) Julius Stone

(32) ____________ propounded the "Pure" theory of Law.

(a) John Austin

(b) Hans Kelson

(c) John Salmond

(d) HLA Hart

(33) Bentham's philosophy is called ____________ .

(a) Social Engineering

(b) Social Solidarity

(c) Utilitarian Individualism

(d) None of the above.

(34) ____________ considered jurisprudence as the science of first principles of civil law.

(a) John Austin

(b) Hugo Grotius

(c) Frederick Pollock

(d) John Salmond

(35) _____________ is an artificial person.

(a) Animal

(b) Juristic person

(c) Inanimate object

(d) All of the above

(36) Concept of ____________ does not belong to sociological school of jurisprudence.

(a) Public Interest

(b) Social Interest

(c) Command

(d) Jural postulate

(37) Which of the following is the correlative of immunity ?

(a) No-Right

(b) Duty

(c) Disability

(d) Liability

(38) Right in re aliena means a right over ____________ .

(a) His own property

(b) A property of someone else

(c) A property situated in a foreign country

(d) A property situated in one's own country

(39) Ownership of goodwill of a business is _____________ .

(a) Equitable Ownership

(b) Contingent Ownership

(c) Beneficial Ownership

(d) Incorporeal Ownership

(40) Adverse possession may lead to loss of ________________ .

(a) Possession

(b) Ownership

(c) Power

(d) Liberty

(41) ______________ theory of punishment is the recommended theory of punishment in view of Human Rights.

(a) Preventive

(b) Retributive

(c) Reformative

(d) Deterrent

(42) ______________ is not a source of law.

(a) Custom

(b) Legal Theory

(c) Precedent

(d) Legislation

(43) ____________ is the meaning of Latin word "Juris Prudentia".

(a) Knowledge of law

(b) Development of law

(c) Knowledge of Justice

(d) Both (a) and (b)

(44) Law is an instrument of ______________ .

(a) Social Change

(b) Social Status

(c) Social Deviance

(d) Social Exulpation

(45) _____________ is not the theory of corporate personality.

(a) Bracket theory

(b) Naturalist theory

(c) Concession theory

(d) Fiction theory

(46) To which school does Duguit belong ?

(a) Positive

(b) Natural

(c) Sociological

(d) Realist

(47) _____ is nine points of the law.

(a) Possession

(b) Person

(c) Obligation

(d) Ownership

(48) Person of inherence in ‘legal right’ refers to one who holds :

(a) Right

(b) Duty

(c) Power

(d) Privilege

(49 ) Who amongst the following is a person in the eyes of law ?

(a) Beasts

(b) Dead person

(c) Mosque

(d) Idol

(50) Right in re propria is a kind of _____ property.

(a) Corporeal

(b) Incorporeal

(c) Tangible

(d) None of the above

(51) ‘Prescription’ is defined as the effect of :

(a) Lapse of ownership (b) Lapse of time

(c) Lapse of title (d) Lapse of possession

(52) According to Roscoe Pound, law is an instrument that must balance conflicting and competing interests with :

(a) Bringing in pleasure and doing away with pain

(b) Maximum power of the State

(c) Minimum friction and waste

(d) None of the above

(53) Which of the following signifies the ‘reasoning for a decision’ ?

(a) Staire decisis

(b) Obiter dicta

(c) Ratio decidendi

(d) Precedent

(54) Custom as a source of law finds mention in the philosophy of ______ school.

(a) Analytical

(b) Natural

(c) Sociological

(d) Historical

(55) Natural law has been called as :

(a) Divine law (b) Eternal law

(c) Universal law (d) All the above

(56) In civil liability :

(a) Motive is relevant

(b) Motive is irrelevant

(c) Neither (a) nor

(b) (d) None of the above

(57) Legislation can either be supreme or :

(a) Judicial

(b) Colonial

(c) Subordinate

(d) Autonomous

(58) Necessitatis non habet legum means :

(a) Knowledge of law is necessary

(b) Ignorance of law cannot be excused

(c) Necessity knows no law

(d) All should necessarily know the law

(59) Incorporeal ownership is the ownership of :

(a) A duty (b) Material objects

(c) A right (d) Tangible things

(60) The two elements of possession are corpus possessiones and :

(a) Animus domini

(b) Animus posidendi

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above



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