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Legal Language:- Loknayalaya" OR "Peoples court

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

Loknavalaya" OR "Peoples court

Loknayalaya or Peoples Court - is established with the intention that instead of fighting the endless legal battle for a number of years with grief and vengeance among the parties. It is decided to settle the matter or dispute between the parties amicably and bring about a settlement in this direction and towards giving free legal aid and consultation people's court finds a prima importance and is established to fulfill that need and satisfy the parties and bring about compromise with their consent.

It is to be noted that we had these kinds of people's court in the form of a "Panchayat" court and whenever there was dispute or differences among individuals or groups, they are usually presented the dispute in question before the panchayat which consisted by local people of repute and they decided the issue at hand freely and frankly without any fear or favour and the parties abided their verdice as final.

There was no appeal from their decision it was totally accepted before the village folks. But as the population, Increased political influence entered, and caste and communal feelings crept into the minds of people they lost faith in the justice of panchayat, class and caste division further aggravated the situation and the system totally collapsed.

In the advent of British rule, they have established different types of civil and criminal courts right from the Taluka level to the privy council in England. Thus there was the classification of cases; the total working of the courts were carried out in English and therefore the litigants found it difficult to plead their case and therefore engaged their pleaders and thereby the whole lot of lawyers group emerged specialized in a different line of law.

After independence, India progressed in many fields and towards that progress the government was forced to make many laws and by which and further by the constitution itself many rights are guaranteed to the citizen of India. So in order to ascertain or establish the rights itigation mounted and cases were flooded the gates of different courts and in this odd situation, the common man finds himself in a difficult position to tight the expensive battle and once he loses his faith in the independence of judiciary the whole democratic system of our government will fail and therefore in order to keep a live the faith of the common man in court and its method of impartial justice which is the backbone of our denacratic setup, Loknayalaya is reintroduced to get speedy and instant justice with the help of sitting judges of the court.

Usually, the courts are held on Sunday's or Holidays so that the space of school, college or corporation office or even court premises, which will remain vacant-are used to accommodate all the litigants and the session starts from 11,00 to 6.00 p.m. and it is seen far as possible maximum number of cases disposed of and efforts are taken towards that end, generally all types of civil cases like partition. Money recovery, execution or decree rent recovery, matrimonial rights, adoption, divorce maintenance, custody etc. are taken before the peoples court. In this both cases which are pending in the courts and new cases are taken up if both parties consent for the decision of Loknayalaya.

The parties are first heard and by their give and take policy the matter are brought to a amicable settlement. In case of criminal matters the vegence are asked to give up and forget and forgive the past incidence and compensation if possible are tried to be paid and thus parties come to a cheerful and when matters are disposed of according to both the parties liking

The advantage of Loknayalaya is that, there is no court fees, no stamp duties, no advocate fees and no daily attendance of court for years, on the contrary It saves everything of a litigant and here no one loses or no one wins because since compromise terms and acceptable to both the parties.


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