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Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Short Questions

1. *‘Right and duty go hand in hand’. Explain. 2. *Absolute Liability 3. *Classification of rights 4. *Criticism of Kelson's theory 5. *Definition of Jurisprudence 6. *Essentials of ownership 7. *Explain the concept of Strict Liability ? 8. *Explain the legal status of unborn person 9. *Explain the meaning of the term property. 10. *General and Particular Jurisprudence 11. *Grundnorm 12. *Joint Ownership. 13. *Law and justice 14. *Modes of acquiring possession 15. *Natural rights 16. *Nature of custom. 17. *Ordinary and Constitutional Rights 18. *Possession in law. 19. *Primary and Secondary Rules. 20. *Reasoning and law. 21. *Relation between law and morality. 22. *Sources of Law. 23. *Theories of Corporate Personality 24. *What are the kind of Persons ? 25. *What do you understand by Comparative Jurisprudence? 26. *What do you understand by the Social Contract theory? 27. *Will Theory of Rights. 28. *Write a brief note on Feminist Jurisprudence.


1. Explain the relevance of Natural Law Philosophy in the contemporary legal system.

2. All questions coming before a court of law are either questions of law or questions of fact” Discuss.

3. Where there is law, there the human conduct is made in some sense non-optional or obligatory” –Discuss Hart’s approach to the concept of law.

4. Customs are approved as a source of law in Historical Jurisprudence. Explain.

5. Define Legal Rights. How are Rights and Duties related to each other?

6. Explain the contribution of Savigny to the development of Historical School.

7. Explain the Hohfeldian scheme of Jural correlatives and opposites.

8. Explain the meaning and scope of the term Jurisprudence.

9. Explain the various modes of acquisition of property

10. 'Jurisprudence is the eye of law'-comment.

11. Law is a command of sovereign'. Discuss.

12. Sir Henry Maine has observed that – “The movement of progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from status to contract” – Elaborate.

13. State the need and reasons for recognizing corporate personality.

14. What according to Salmond are the eight kinds of legal rights? Discuss.

15. What do you mean by Property? State its kinds.

16. What do you mean by Social Engineering? Explain Pound’s ideas on the same.

17. What do you understand by ownership? What are the various kinds of ownership?

18. What do you understand by the term Liability? Differentiate between civil and criminal liability.

19. What is administration of justice? Explain its kinds.

20. What is meant by ‘precedent’? What are its several kinds? Is precedent more important than legislation as a source of law?

21. Write a critical note on the Historical School of Jurisprudence.

22. Write a detailed note on Kelson's Pure theory


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