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Registration of Trade Union under Trade Union Act 1926

Updated: Sep 3, 2021

Registration of Trade Union under Trade Union Act 1926

Trade Unions in India are registered and file annual returns under the Trade Union Act (1926). Its statistics are collected annually by the Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Labour, Government of India. Chapter II of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 deals with the provisions of theregistration of trade unions.

The procedure of registration of a trade union as following Appointment of Registrar: Section 3 of the Trade Union Act, 1926 empowers the appropriate Government to appoint a person to be registrar of Trade Unions. The appropriate Government be itState or Central, appoint additional andDeputy Registrars as it thinks fit for the purpose of exercising and discharging the powers and duties of the Registrar..

Mode of Registration: Any seven or more persons who want to form a trade union, can apply for its registration to the Registration of Trade Unions under Section 4 (1) of theTrade Unions Act, 1926. These applicants must be members of a trade union. The application for registration must be sent to the Registrar of Trade Unions in Form “A” as required by the Trade Union Act, 1926 under Section 5.

Application for registration According to section 5 of theAct, copy of therule trade union and statement of the particular Provisions to be contained in the rules of a Trade Union According to section 6 of theAct,The name of the trade union;,head office ,address ,occupation ,and address of members making application Section 7 provides power to call for further particulars and to require alteration of name. (1) The Registrar maycall for further information for the purpose of satisfying himself that any application complies withthe provisions of section 5, or that the Trade Union is entitled to registration under section 6, and may refuse to register theTrade Union until such information is supplied.

Registration According to section 8 of theAct, if the registrar thinks that the trade union has complied with all theprovisions of the Act, it shall register theTrade Union byentering in a register all the particulars in accordance with the provisions of the Act.

Certificate of registration

According to section 9 of theAct, the registrar shall issue a certificate of registration to thetrade union after registration under section 8 which shall be conclusive proof that a trade union has been duly registered.


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