- General Principles of Drafting and Relevant Rules
- Plaint
- Affidavit
- Execution Petition
- Memorandum of Appeal and Revision
- Petition under Art. 226 and Art. 32 of the Constitution of India
- Complaint
- Criminal Miscellaneous Petition
- Bail Application
- Memorandum of Appeal and Revision
- Essentials of a Deed
- Sale Deed
- Mortgage Deed
- Lease Deed
- Gift Deed
- Promissory Note
- Power of Attorney
- Will
- Agreements

In offences state becomes the party and the accused has to put up his defence. It is the duty of the prosecution on behalf of the state to prove the guilt of an accused. In such a situation the aggrieved party is not required to institute any petition. It is the responsibility of the state to launch prosecution against the criminal who has committed the offences of Criminal nature.
In offences state becomes the party and the accused has to put up his defence. It is the duty of the prosecution on behalf of the state to prove the guilt of an accused. In such a situation the aggrieved party is not required to institute any petition. It is the responsibility of the state to launch prosecution against the criminal who has committed the offences of Criminal nature.
The constitution of India empowers the Supreme Court and the High Courts under Art. 32 and 226 to provide remedy to the petition by way of issuing writs the jurisdiction of the High Court under 226 is in nature of ordinary original jurisdiction. It empowers every High Court, within its territorial jurisdiction to issue directions, orders or writs including writs in nature of habeas corpus etc. for the enforcement of any of the fundamental rights as well as "for any other purpose".
By virtue of Art.227 every High Court has superintendence on all courts and tribunals through out the territories in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction except those constituted under any law relating to armed forces.
The High Court May
a)Call for returns from such courts;
b)Make and issue general rules and prescribe forms for regulating the practice and proceedings of such courts, and
c)Prescribe form in which books, entries and accounts shall be kept by the officers of any such courts.
It must be remembered that in exercise of its jurisdiction under 227 High Court does not act as a court of appeal. It cannot, therefore, review or reweigh the evidence upon decision. The supervisory jurisdiction conferred under Art.227 is limited to seeing that the inferior court or tribunal functions within limits of its authority and not to correct any error of law. (Mohd.Yunus V. Mohd. Mustquim AIR 1984 SC 38, 40)
Under the code of Criminal procedure High Court has also empowered its inherent jurisdiction, under sec. 482 Under this sec. the High Court may be exercised its inherent powers in a proper case either to prevent the abuse of process of any court or to secure the ends of justice. Inherent power of the High Court should be exercised only in the exceptional cases. (Amar Chand V. Shanti Bose, AIR 1973 SC 799)
In the following cases the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court should be exercised to quash the proceedings. (R.P. Kapur V. state of Punjab AIR 1960 SC 866)
i. Where there is a legal bar against the institution or continuance of the proceedings;
ii. Where the allegations in the first information or complaint do not constitute the offence alleged; and
iii. Where either there is no 'legal evidence adduced in support of the charge or the evidence adduced in support of the charge or the evidence clearly or manifestly failed prove the charge.
No limitation period has been prescribed for making an application under sec. 482 Cr. P.C. However the application is to be filed within a reasonable time. The High Court may, to prevent the abuse of the process of court and secure the ends of justice, in a long drawn out proceedings where no prima-facie case is made out against the accused, internee and quash the proceedings, for more details for this provision or inherent powers of the High Court student should consult sec. 482 Cr. P.C. from their text book and bare Act. of Cr. P.C.