The constitution adopted in 2014, like the constitution drafted under Morsi, is based on the Egyptian Constitution of 1971. ... Under the constitution, there is a guarantee of equality between the sexes and an absolute freedom of belief, but Islam is the state religion.
In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Must Merciful.
God or other deities. This is Cur Constitution Egypt is the gift of the Nile and the gift ofEgyptians to humanity. Blessed with a unique location and history, the Arab nation of Egyptis the heart of the whole world. It is the meeting point of its civilizations and cultures andthe crossroads of its maritime transportation and communications. It is the tip of Africa onthe Mediterranean and the estuary of its greatest river: the Nile. This is Egypt, an immortal homeland to Egyptians, and a message of peace and love to all peoples Iri the beginning ofhistory, the dawn of human conscience rose and shone forth in the hearts of our great ancestors,uniting their good intention to build the first central state that regulated and orgarized thelife of Egyptians on the banks of the Nile, It is where they created the most amazing wondersof civilization, and where their hearts looked up to the heavens before earth knew the three revealed religions
Reference to country's history Egypt is the aradle of religiors and the banner of glory of the revealed religions.
On its land, Moses grew up, the light of God appeared, andthe message descended on Mount Sinai, On its land, Egyptians welcomed Virgin Mary and herbaby and offered up thousands of martyrs in defense of the Church of Jesus. When the Sealof the Messengers Mohamed (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) was sent to all mankind toperfect the sublime morals, our hearts and minds were opened to the light of Islam We were thebest soldiers on Earth to fight for the cause of God, and we disseminated the message of truth and religious sciences across the world. This is Egypt; a homeland that we live in as much asit lives in us
In the modern age, minds were enlightened, humanity became mature, and nationsand peoples progressed on the path of science, raising the banners of freedom and equality.Mohamed Ali founded the modern Egyptian state with a national army as its pillar. Refaa, theson of Al-Azhar, prayed that the homeland become "a place of common happiness for its people We, Egyptians, strived to keep up with the pace of development, and offered up martyrs andmade sacrifices in several uprisings and revolution until our patriotic army delivered victory tothe sweeping popular will in the "Jan 25 - June 30" Revolutiee that called for bread, freedom andhuman dignity within a framework of social justice, and brought hack the homeland's free willThis revolution is but an extension to a procuss of national struggle whose brightar symbolswere Ahmed Oraby, Mostafa Kamel, and Mohamed Farid. It was the capstorie of two grealrevolutions in our modern history: The 1919 revolution that had rid Egypt and the Egyptiansof the British guardianship, and had established the principle of citizenship and equalitybetween the people of the same country. Its leader, Saad Zaghloul, and his successor, MosfataEI-Nahhas, walked the path of democracy asserting that "Truth is above power and the nationis above the government". During this revolution Talaat Harb laid down the comerstone of thenational economy, The July 23, 1952 revolution that was lod by the leader Ganal Abdel Nasserand was embraced by the poptular will achieved the dream of generations for evacuation andindependence. As a result, Egypt affirmed its Arab allegiance, opened up to its African cantinentand Muslim world, supported liberation movements across.continerits, and took firm stepson the path of development and social justice
This revolution represents an extension of therevolutionary march of Egyptian patriotism, and supports the strong bond between the Egyptianpeople and their patriotic army that bore the trust and responsibility of protecting the homelandThanks to it, we achieved victory in our greatest battles including driving of the 1956 TripartiteAggression and the glorious victory of October that granted President Sadat a special place inour recent history. Compared to major revolutions in the history of mankind, the fan 25 - June30 Revolution is a unique revolution, because of the heavy popular participation involved - whichwas estimated to be in the tens of millions -- and the significant role of youth who aspire to abrighter future, the masses who transcended class and ideulogy to reach out to more exparisivepatriotic and human horizons. the manner in which the people's army protected the popular willand the blessings granted to it by Al- Azhar and the patriotic church. Itt is also unique becauseof its peacefulness and ambition to achieve freedom and social justice together. This revolutionis a sign and a good omen. It is a sign ut a past that is still present and a good omen of a futureto which all humanity aspires. The world has almost forgotten about an age that was torm byconflicts of interest between the east and the west, and ihe nurth and the south; an age wheredisputes and wars erupled between classes and peoples, where risks grew, threatering theexistence of mankind and life on Earth, which God created for us Humanity hopes to move fromthe age of maturity to the age of wisdom to build a new world where truth and justice prevail,and where freedoms and human rights are protected. We, Egyptians, believe that our revolutionis an opporturuty to return to help write a new history for mankind.
We believe that we arecapable of using the past as an inspiration, stirring up the present, and making our way to thefuture. We are capable of developing this homeland that develops us. We believe that every itizenis entitled to ive in this homecland in safety and security, and that every citizen is entitled to atoday and a tomorrow.
We believe in democracy as a path, a future, and a way of life; in politicalmultiplicity, and in the peaceful transfer of power. We affirm the right of the people to make theirfuture. They, alone, are the source of authority. Freedom, humari dignity, and social justice are aright of every citizen. Sovereignty in a sovereign homeland belongs to us and future generations.
We are now drafting a Constitution that embodies the dream of generatiuns of a prosperous united society and of a fair state that achieves the aspirations of today and tomorrow forindividuals and society We are now drafting a Constitution that completes building a modermdemocratic state with governmenit.
We are drafting a Constitution that closes the door for anycorruption or tyranny, heals the wounds of the past from the time of the old Eloquent Peasant tothe victims of negiigence and the martyrs of the revolution in our time, and relieves our peopleof the injustice they have sulfered from for long.
We are drafting a Constitution that affirms thatthe principles of Islamic Sharia are the principle source of legislation, and that the reference forinterpretation thereof is the relevant texts in the collected rulings of the Supreme ConstitutionalCourt.
we are drafting a Constitution that paves the way to the future for us, and which is in line with the
universal Declaration of Human Rights, which we took part in the drafting of and approved .
We are drafting a Corstitution that maintains our freedom and protects the nation againat every threatagainst it or against our national unity.
We are drafting a Constitution that achieves equalitybetween un in tights and duties with no discrimination. We are the citizens.
We are the Egyptianpeople, sovereigns in a sovereign homeland. This is our will and this is the Constitution of our revolution. This is our Constitution.